Tuesday, August 29, 2006

creature of habit

As a person who does enjoy her routines, I can respect the after work ritual my cat has developed for us both. As soon as my key goes into the front door, I can hear the jingle of his little bell around his collar and I know what comes next. I have only had this cat for three months, so for awhile I wondered if it would continue. I know count on it and look forward to this time every day!

Once I am in the door, he does what we call "the plop" onto his side where he waits to be scratched and pet. He does not settle for a half hearted effort, and he stretches himself the entire time and expects you to join him on the floor. After approximately 2 minutes of this, he gets up, stretches and then moves about 5 feet, where "the plop" occurs again. I have determined that this is to test my loyalty, and I always move over there to continue. Then, he goes about his business of being a cat, and I go about my business of starting my evening.

No day would be complete without this delightful ritual!

1 comment:

NatAttack said...

Have I commented lately on how much I LOVE your display pic? As soon as I can find one good enough to rival yours I would...

I'm glad Vincent was such a good choice!