Thursday, November 09, 2006

Video Games!

As a fan of the video games, I was really excited when I saw this article counting down the top 10 worst video games of all time. Then, I became very, very nervous that my precious “Tapper” would make the list – which would ultimately be a crime. Luckily, it did not make the list – because it is AWESOME! In case you are interested – see here.

Some shocking omits: (Games that are so bad – you can’t help but love them)

Moon Patrol (Atari) – This one may not be that bad, but I could NEVER get past the second board, and that still really bothers me.

Baggage Claim (Atari) – Anyone who has never played this little gem needs to get over to my house ASAP. This game is a crowd pleaser! You basically wait for the plane to land, and then run back and forth picking up luggage. If you don’t get the suit case before it hits the bottom of the screen it opens, exposing someone’s sock or underwear. It is for the immature at heart!

Hide and Seek (Atari) – I may very well be the only person (and Matt- because this baby is 2 Player!) that has actually sat down and played this game (in the year 2006) anywhere on the planet. You hide in a house with like, 2 rooms, while the 2nd player covers their eyes and then goes and finds you. I laugh hard every time I play

Ghost and Goblins (Nintendo) – This game isn’t really bad at all….but I cannot for the life of me finish it, and it will haunt me for the rest of my life.

So, the games on the worst 10 list… I only have experience with one, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. I wouldn’t say this game is unfortunate, but every time you die you have to put up with some creepy voice telling you, “Wait, that’s not how it really happened!”

I am dying to find a copy of “The Howard Dean for Iowa Game” How awesome does that sound?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day

I went to vote today and realized once again that I may be way too cynical for my own good. While I was parking and walking in, I was having my annual voting internal conversation about how I was exercising my constitutional right to throw my vote away (yes – I don’t vote along the standard lines around here – and I realize that can be unforgivable – but hell, it is my right!)…which inevitably gets interrupted by another more patriotic conversation about how I am lucky to live in a country where I can vote….blah, blah, blah…etc. Anyway, so up until now this is standard “election day” fare. What really struck me was when I was walking in. My voting location is at an Elementary school, and you walk in right by the front office, and then get directed down the hall, and into the gym. There are kids everywhere, and all I can think is, “WHOSE BRILLIANT IDEA WAS IT TO LET COMPLETE RANDOM ADULTS INTO AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WITHOUT ANY EXTRA SECURITY??? HOW IS THIS A GOOD IDEA???” I mean, we are talking about the fact that anyone off the street can walk into the school, and no one will bat an eye. Is that creepy to anyone else? I am over thinking this? Am I assuming the worst in everyone involved – that everyone is pervy or dangerous? Not to mention that fact that those kids could find a way to skew the results somehow – I mean, come on – kids these days are getting smarter!

Rock the vote – don’t nab kids from the polling location!