Friday, August 18, 2006

Def Leppard/Journey Stats

Standard Mullets - 7 (surprisingly low!)
"Aggressive" Mullets - 2
Shirtless guys - 6 (including member of Def Leppard)
Couples slow dancing during Journey - 2 (I suspect more were out of my view!)
Sammy Hagar look-a-likes - 1
Kenny Rogers look-a-likes - 2
Sexual assaults to my brother and friends by skanky drunk girls - 4 per victim (3 victims)
Boob flashings - 1
Amount of girls jumping on one car in the parking lot - 3
Number of creeps that layed on the hood of our car while we were stuck in the parking lot - 1
Length of time it took to get out of the parking lot - FOREVER!!!

1 comment:

NatAttack said...

Bahahaha. I LOVE stats on crazy events.

This is a fabulous first blog.