Sunday, December 17, 2006

Feliz Navi-paws

I haven't heard as much about the "War on Christmas" this year as I did last year, perhaps I am just not watching enough Fox any rate if us crazy liberals were indeed waging a "War on Christmas", then I think that Vincent has been selected to lead the battle. The cat has done nothing but try to ruin Christmas in my apartment. No ornament is safe, no present is safe, and I have even caught him pulling lights off the tree. For someone who gets anxious at the site of a crumpled up post it note on the ground, his disregard for my Christmas decorations is more than I can take. I knew it was risky, but I thought that maybe I would think it was cute if he took ornaments off the tree and batted them around. It's not cute. It's not even a little funny. It may even make me more crazy than the thought of trying to find a parking space at a crowded mall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's just much too tempting for a feline. Your best option is to set up a tree with presents in every room. That way he'll at least be distracted from the "real" tree.